Der HSVS-Stander überquert den Atlantik

HSVS-ler Jan-Hendrik Schmidt nimmt an Bord der „Lucia“, einer Hallberg-Rassy 352, an der diesjährigen ARC teil. Der ganze HSVS drückt euch die Daumen und wünscht euch einen schnellen und sicheren Törn!

Atlantic Rally for Cruisers – Set sail from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to the Caribbean
Every November since 1986 the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers has set sail from Las Palmas, bound westward across the Atlantic to the Caribbean. Bringing together yachts from all over the world, the fleet gather in Las Palmas Marina in the heart of the port city.

11 NovARC Office opens in Las Palmas
17 NovLast date for boat arrivals in Las Palmas
24 NovStart day!
12:30 Multihulls
12:45 Racing Divisions
13:00 Cruising Divisions
11-16 DecMajority of ARC boats arrive in Rodney Bay
20 DecARC finish line closes
21 DecPrize giving ceremony

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